Where have I been? Is anyone even out there still? I can't blame you if you aren't, although how would you be reading this if that's the case!?!
It's been 11 weeks and two days since I had my WCA. An appointment that took two years to arrange and ultimately failed to test the problem presented that necessitated taking so long. I say two years, you can tack an extra twenty minutes to that as the assessor was late. A reality that, were the shoe on the other foot, would have very different consequences, if you follow me.
I have consdiered making a complaint to that end, if I fail the test. I'm still certain that is the outcome.
In the meantime public services dwindle. Our local bus service has cut so much that, had I not changed jobcentre (and it was within the DWP's gift to decide not to allow that), my journey to the subsequent Work Focused Interview would have cost just over £14! This is a consequence of a soceity governed for profit not for need. This is a simple premise that fundamentally is killing us.
That appointment, weeks ago now, was an utter sham. In fact, by the time the decision is made, I could be facing my next as they are every 6 months. I anticipate a new years present.
The interviewer was himself a damaged human, unfortunately one also fully conditioned by DWP propaganda. He invoked the spectre of the feckless parent claiming for things they allegedly don't need. A phone, for example. This is a classic example of the ignorance these people are fed: people need a phone these days. But instead of recognising the reality of modern life things like phones (and computers, for example) are disingenuously still classed as luxuries. You won't get help or a job without either if not both.
Why do I say he's damaged: he told me that, as a former paramedic, he ended up with PTSD. I can believe it; paramedics can get seriously abused - not least of all by a system designed to profit not care. The tragedy is that it has led him into the clutches of the capitalist paradigm setting him not against the architects of his abuse, but his fellow plebs.
Despite all the talk abot how wonderful the DWP is and how many schemes and opportunities there are, all he could pull out was another feeble self help/social enterprise course. This one is called Changes For Life. The problem is that these courses are ineffectual; because they cannot (will not?) address the reality behind the problems faced by the unemployed and impaired they can only offer simplistic services - don't get me wrong, these are find for those that ned them. Numeracy and literacy (along with citizenship tests!) are vital for some, just not me. I was told they could diagnose neuro diverse conditions when i mentioned I had tried to get an Asperger diagnosis. I knew this was a lie, but the Changes people confirmed it. They didn't seem terribly bothered I was getting misinformation from the DWP. I guess that's the norm.
So in the end it's a whole load of nothing. It's all talk, papering the ever widening cracks of a system and a society on a hot course to hell. I do not foresee things getting better any time soon, but I wont' mention the B word, for now. I'm not even sure I understand it, just that it's wrecking society and a transparent right wing xenophobia fuelled power grab.
One thing I did notice, while in the office (a journey from door to seat that required 3 security guards and two flights of stairs), the amount of Universal Credit propaganda is dizzying. The walls are covered. Goebbels would be proud (Godwins!).
Insidiously, and worryingly, on the wall of the cubicle was a sample UC jobsearch; a weekly diary that looked harrowingly involved. They seem to expect you to involve yourself in activity from 8 till late with scant breaks. If only I could have taken this home, but I didn't dare whip my phone out for a picture (probably would have been sent to Guantanamo for breaching DWP secrets or something). Now while the idea might be reasonable, expecting people to look for work or whatever, the relentlessness of it in the face of lived reality is problematic. We all know what happens when people have to miss appointments for genuine reasons, so the greater the conditionality the greater the likelihood this will happen. Then it's down to the 'Work Coach's' discretion.
This is what it comes down to: damaged brainwashed people making decisions on my behalf. People who, while I don't mean to sound disrespectful, just seem oblivious to the reality they are operating within. He himself is on Universal Credit!
Need I say more?
(PS If anyone still reads this, thanks, but I'd love to know... blessing all round)
We want the world and we want it now!
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
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Years and years ago, before anyone had ever heard of disease and pandemics, I started this blog. I gave it a stupid name from an Alan Partri...
That did not go well. My legs were wobbly to begin with as I closed in on the church that passes for the office of the employment wing ...
With a thud a brown envelope hits the doormat. Ominous. It's contents are a DWP summons to a post Work Programme support interview ...
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