We want the world and we want it now!
Wednesday, 21 July 2021
Freedom Days 2
Monday, 19 July 2021
Freedom Days 1
Oh, hello January, is that you again? I just had the weirdest dream. That it was July, six months in the future and in the middle of a heatwave. Our government had decided, against all reason and science, to abandon every restriction and plunge us all into herd immunity. Yes, s nightmares go it was pretty terrifying. What had happened was that a few months from now there was a massive outbreak in crowd urban India which bred aa variant that become known as Delta. This replaced the existing variant which become known as Alpha.
Hang on, what day is it?
The fools went and did the thing. It is now July the 19th, otherwise known as Freedom Day, because everyone likes to be freed from critical thinking and evidence. The date historians will come to remember as Fuck Up Day. It began well enough: midnight Monday morning and everyone piled into the nightclubs freshly able to open at the earliest possible opportunity.
Reason lost, folks. This isn't a triumph for anyone except the crank contingent of the Tory party. The ERG Brexit headbangers who drove Johnson, willingly of course, to kick the moderate voices out, whom we might well have needed (assuming they have any spine). This awful trajectory, beginning in 2016, has driven out common sense, maginalised the countryin the name oof xenophobia, and led to the repealing of essential restrictions at a time when ar re needed most. Now we have to hope people engage in what is risibly an patronisingly called personal responsibility.
The problem is that those making this argument are using personal responsibility as a stalking horse. There is no choice to be made in the wake of a pandemic any more than there is at a crossroads with traffic lights. Sure you could choose to ignore the lights and risk a major collision, but that's a fool's choice. If you need to choose to do the right thing then you are making the case for the oversight needed to keep society going.
Really that is a childish argument. It is made by emotionally incompetent people who cry because their privilege is being threatened by circumstances. Welcome to the world, you aren't as special as you believed. You're just like the rest of us: vulnerable to the plague. Now these clowns are arguing to switch off their test and trace apps because the pinging is disruptive. Can't think why, as cases rage, it might be triggering so much.
This is where we are. Six months from a somewhat recalcitrant PM contritely telling us that this time things will be different. That he'll listen tot he data and not be driven by dates. That there willbe only one direction of travel out of the pandemic. That lasted long. Now, as them, people's efforts and sacrifices are squandered, all to appease the most virulent element of the Tory party. The adult children who demand staff wear masks but scoff at the need (they voted for) to do likewise themselves. They are driving us all off a cliff because they are immature spoilt children.
Welcome to Freedom Day.
Tuesday, 13 July 2021
Our Government Is Trying To Kill Us! Send Help! Lawyers Guns and Money!
It's a thing!
They know what's happening. They just don't believe what's happening. Johnson isn't making the decisions because he doesn't do details. Let the bodies pile high isn't the claim - and I well believe he said it, that's his pathology - of someone who cares. He is an arrogant oaf; a deadly product of our class system. Born to privilege with the arrogance of exceptionalism. Ironically informed by his surviving infection. He wants power, he doesn't care how nor for any responsibility that comes with it.
Enter Sunak. Last year he invited covid cranks into the heart of government. Now Javid is on board as the new health secretary. Both neoliberals happy to push a failed economic notion at the expense of our lives. Javid is happy to tell us we might summer temperatures of 100,000 daily infections. He doesn't care because he believes the vaccine has done the job, now let time mop up the rest. This is false; the connection between infection and death has been weakened, yes. It has not been cut. Nadim Zahawi was forced to, crushingly, admit this on Sky News. Did it make a difference? Nope.
Yesterday's press conference was a dismal failure of covid capitulation and confusion. We now have the ridiculous spectacle of government ministers themselves saying they won't wear masks (Jenrick) while advising the rest of us do. This is criminally reckless and it's designed to let them wash their hands of it when it all goes wrong. They know people won't obey good sense. Along with the ending of restrictions, such as opening up nightclubs, it will be a free for all. That's all it takes. It doesn't matter if the majority do the right thing because covid is a phenomenon of super spreaders; individual instances that birth clusters of spreading infection. Delta is transmissible enough to make that a serious problem.
A fact that has left scientists incredulous, to the point where impromtu public meetings (via the interweb) have been called. Throughout the speakers have been scathing, Richard Horton (editor of the Lancet) in particular. Hundreds have signed a letter, one that will no doubt be filed under B for Bin. They try, it falls on deaf ears. We are in for what even the government recognises will be a difficult Summer. It could see the return of lockdown measures, almost certain if cases do indeed skyrocket as high as even the Tories predict. They just don't care to do anything about it.
If nothing else there is a perfect storm brewing. With Covid at the heart there is still the madness of Brexit. Food shortages are a reality, supply chains are threatened. Sure I can do without Broccoli one week or Cauliflower the next. But I am regularly seeing empty stocks where there weren't any before. This is a problem without solution because, again, the Tories don't want one.
On top of that the football has exposed the hypocrisy of the Tories. People now see their grandstanding as exacerbating bullshit. Performative nonsense by a home secretary happy to condemn racism after being happy to tolerate the conditions within which it grew. The bastard child of Tory ideology is coming home to roost. Reap the whirlwind and get gone Boris.
Saturday, 3 July 2021
So Matt Happened
So that happened, Matt happened. An image forever seared into our minds, scan lines scarring our collective cortices like a video nasty. The arse grab that cost a career. Only it's not really a career; as it stands he remains an MP. That's his real job. The cabinet position is just that: a position. Sure they all aspire to it given the prestige power and pay packet, but the real decisions are made by the civil service. Sometimes they get made by the minister, but only if his ego demands that experts kowtow. Oh dear.
So where's the failure? Where's the ownership of responsibility? He done a wrong thing and, all the Tories interviewed thus far say, "Matt's apologised for it". They try and brush it off by making him look almost like the victim (not two, now broken, families). That's what this government does; it wrecks lives without consequence. He's notched up 128 thousand others so what's one more eh?
All we have to show for it is the putty faced visage of an arse grabbing sleazebag. Thanks to our friend, Rupert Murdoch. Who knows if there was some secret agenda, maybe the government distancing itself from an increasingly toxic health secretary wanting to purify its reputation in the font of vaccine success.
To be replaced by a banker. A money man. That position was no accident. He will know the value of the NHS, in it's brightest hour, to sell to the private secretary as the Tories have always intended, and have spent the last decade accomplishing. Make no mistake, once the crisis is over there will be only crocodile tears. Why give people you intend to sacrifice a pay rise? If the Tories relent to a better deal ift will only be vanity. It's our fight to lose.
I'm Back!
Years and years ago, before anyone had ever heard of disease and pandemics, I started this blog. I gave it a stupid name from an Alan Partri...
That did not go well. My legs were wobbly to begin with as I closed in on the church that passes for the office of the employment wing ...
With a thud a brown envelope hits the doormat. Ominous. It's contents are a DWP summons to a post Work Programme support interview ...
This is a great article, as is Izzy Koksal's blog, which I read yesterday. I think the key point made is quite simply the choice between...