Sunday 20 December 2020

Advent Final Weekender 2: They Have Failed Us

 So this is it, the culmination of nine months of mismanagement. Itself the culmination of years of Tory misrule. Themselves the culmination of centuries of ruling class dogma. You get the picture. This is a valid point; these clowns don't behave this way because they're simply simpletons. To the best of my knowledge they are well educated. They ought to know better, so why don't they? Tory dogma, which is to say ruling class interests melded with the finally honed nub of hard right pro-capitalist ideology that is so prevalent these days. The ideology that compels Liz Truss, one of the most desperately vacuous and dim politicians ever, to, in the midst of everything falling apart, launches an 'anti woke' campaign, or something. Nobody really knows or cares, expect the people who already think 'woke' is a thing. 

To be clear, it isn't. Not in this simplistic social media form. There is the cause of social justice: fighting for equality in a society that desperately lacks it. A long standing struggle that even she acknowledges, paying lip service to. But that's not what she means; she's just whining about people being mean to her on Twitter. Because she's happily photographed holding a telephone upside down in an obviously stage managed snap for the business portfolio. Just the same as Matt Hancock's tears.

Which returns me to the point. Years of mismanagement have now reached a hideous crescendo with the sound of the entire south east of the country screaming at the television over yet another bungled response to the crisis. The most egregious and perhaps far reaching one yet, given that, now, Crying Matt is saying this not-a-lockdown could last for months. The vaccine, assuming it can survive the viral mutation (my sanity certainly can't!), is now the last chance saloon. In this place the only drink allowed to be served, along with your fifteen mammoth size Covid-absorbing Scotch Eggs, is Tory Tears on the Rocks. 

Speaking of rocks: Brexit!

How, now, can this possibly continue? Is the Kent lorry park and customs enclave also part of this lockdown? Even if not, what about all those business that were already struggling to prepare while having to dance in and out of lockdown possibly going to manage now? They've already had to deal with waste from being told to stockpile and then not be able to sell that stock. This lockdown, as necessary as it is, will make this even worse. I cannot see any way but to ask for an extension, which of course will set fire to the ERG as if you'd poured petrol on their Christmas cake. They don't care about the consequences, they want their 'reward' and damn the consequences. Well unfortunately the consequences are destructive.

WHo am I kidding; of course they will push for this. They are headbangers. Theirs is an alternate reality in which leaving a successful powerful trading bloc within which most of our trade was done is somehow a good thing. Never mind how the constant u-turns and covid confusion have done for us. The Tories will be the death of us. They must be stopped. If it wasn't already clear, it must be so by now. They cannot and will not manage this outbreak. They haven't thus far. We can't walk it back, here is where we are. An utter failure and commensurate disaster. Only the working class can look after the working class. 

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