Thursday 25 February 2021

The Road To Lockdown 25: So Close Now

It's turned out nice, which as it turns out, is oddly confusing. I'm in a funny mood today. Perhaps because I went to town to do my shopping. Something that is going to have to be more regular, simply because local alternatives (when not stricken by covid) are lacking and expensive. It remains cheaper to travel into town and shop in the supermarket. Fortunately the shopping experience is much more pleasant; it was considerably less busy today. The shopping centre eerily so. Only a few, essential plces, open within (including a bakery somehow). The fact that Tescos isn't rammed is also a blessing. However it's left me oddly restless. The weather, turning somewhat nicer, is also confusing. My inner clock wants it to be Spring. The sunshine offers an appealing illusion, but the stiff breeze reminds me otherwise. We're nearly there though.

I saw that the Jobcentre was open. It didn't seem to have any 'customers' so I expect they are open to specific appointments and administration. I received a letter over the weekend telling me, once again, that I had been placed in the Work Related Activity Group. I've no idea what that activity could look like at this time, neither does Fedcap Employment who are frankly useless. At least it will look positive for my inevitable imminent Work Focused Interview that I'm 'working' with them. I don't know when that will be, it should be now as the last one was six months ago, just after the last such letter. I'm assuming that they are deciding people's cases remotely (in some cases) every six months depending on the external conditions. I also think they have cut down on the number of WFI's they are having as well, again conditions depending. I could well be completely wrong, but my guess is that, now, I'll hear again in the Summer. The uncertainty remains problematic; you just don't know. I don't find that acceptable.

Sunak the destroyer has his budget next week. Other than the usual economic tinkering, playing with the frayed edges, there's the question of the Universal Credit 'uplift' (nothing about UC is uplifting). Currently only UC claimants receive the £20 extra granted during this period. The rest of us, on legacy benefits, get nothing. I complained to my MP about it, he wasn't interested of course, he's John Penrose. Tory arsehole. The talk was that he was going to cancel the uplift and just give a flat £500 to (not) everyone instead. It would be a bitter kick in the teeth to be denied that, but given that it's cheaper for him to do so - and certain to win plaudits from the working class - I think it highly likely. Just as likely as not giving that same sum to everyone else on benefits. They don't care.

Finally the government has rolled back from havign testing and mask wearing in schools. Tis is no surprise. They were never ready to implement this, but obviously couldn't admit this, in their rush to start another outbreak. They are encouraging schools to do so. But schools haven't been equipped for this, which is the reason for the rollback. Consequently when schools refuse to do so they will be blamed as irresponsible and recalcitrant. It's class war once again. But the truth is that schools can't obey; the facility isn't there. Never mind the extra - unpaid - burden on staff. 

Not that creepy Gavin cares.

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