Saturday 5 June 2021

Modern Britain

I suppose we should talk about the imminent third wave. It is already building. In the last week or so cases have risen considerably. Despite this, Public Health England are lying about the state of schools were, despite their misrepresentation, it is spreading. Once again schools are a vector of transmission. It is clear that we have opened up much too soon and, despite the inevitable, we ought postpone the full easing of restrictions in two weeks.

But again it is dither and delay. At this point, it is negligence bordering on murder. Every day of inaction is a day the virus spreads. The government are encouraging that. I don't see anything changing. We should have acted at the outset of the pandemic. We should have had systems in place; an infrastructure. We still don't. Instead half our parliament are infected with the disease of ignorance masquerading as freedom. Sweaty lunatics pour forth from the Tory benches, feverishly railing against restrictions they aren't remotely inhibited by. Yet offering nothing for people that have to isolate. Still.

Now, fifteen months in, it is too late. We are stuck in permanent reaction. The virus will come and go in waves, the intensity of which we cannot know. That then is used as an excuse to dither, creating a terrible feedback loop. Nothing will change. Our government will never understand or adapt to this. It is correct to say we have to learn to live with this, but they only know to impose lockdowns. If that becomes necessary once again then it will be their fault for leaving us with no alternative. It is an ongoing disaster because the pandemic won't end in Britain alone.

Variants will come and go because we will have imported strains into the Union Jack petri dish. Maybe they will evolve to become less dangerous, maybe they will become vaccine resistant. At which point what a huge waste of time it's all been so far. How will they manage boosters every year or so? We are still only 40%, roughly, fully vaccinated. Still a lot of people vulnerable to Delta.

I don't see much of a future on plague island. Still, if the virus doesn't finish us, the food shortages caused by Brexit will

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