Wednesday 29 January 2020

Another Work Focused Interview

Happy New Year, things will get worse. Hooray!

I hate the way this system leaves you so powerless, but what can be worse is how it makes you feel responsible for things that are unreasonable. Or for situations out of your control.
So i have another Work Focused Interview at the Jobcentre. They want me in next week at a place the uses don't go at a time of their choosing. It's bad enough having to sit through the WCA, but these are just a total waste of time. Not one of them I've ever had has been productive, it's just a jobcentre adviser droning on and propagandising. They have nothing to offer, but you can't tell them that.

What really frustrates me is that, as the scrounging peon, I have no worth in this relationship. I don't get a say in how this is conducted. They book the time, they book the venue. If I'm lucky (and hopefully I will be) I can persuade them to interview me over the phone - which you'd think would be better for them as it saves them refunding travel expenses for instance. I'm willing to compromise, I'de even meet them locally if, for example, interviews were conducted at the local surgery (as an example, that's a whole other can of worms). But I can't make that compromise because of the way the system works and how capitalism defines the relationship between pauper and state. You do what they say or you are a feckless layabout doubtless loafing - because of course if you weren't you'd willingly attend, right?

In short, fuck capitalism fuck the state and fuck the tories.

I really should be posting something more substantial in the wake of this new era of Tory terror we'll be living through, but dealing with the DWP drains my focus.

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