Saturday 1 February 2020

Foodbanks are a sign of Tory Success

This might not be popular. I will endeavour to explain the, slightly clickbaity, title.

You see it's no coincidence that some of the worst people in the country (Jacob Rees Mogg for example) think well of foodbanks. They conform to his neo Victorian ideal that charity should reign o'er all of us, and that taxation is a burden.

Because of course society is full of good people like him who fall over themselves to put their hand in their pocket for those less fortunate than to be born into privilege and wind up running an investment fund.

You could reasonably argue that, if he did care, he would just pay his taxes. That way society can provide services.

Better yet why do we tolerate a society that allows a privileged elite the luxury of being in the position to profit in the first place? Why sustain the system that creates the need for foodbanks at all?

Foodbanks are a Tory success because they prey on the goodwill of decent people. Folks, and fortunately there are stil some out there, don't want to see the less fortunate starve because of a capitalist system that maintains haves vs have nots. A growing cohort that can, all too readily, fall into penury.

Tories champion them as a sign of a caring society. Which they are. But the problem is that it allows them to abrogate their responsibility to that society. As capitalists they support, if not directly, profit from theose people. They just don't care enough to put into place systems to ensure that those same people, when they invariably fall on the hard times capitalism creates, don't starve in the gutter.

With a reserve army of labour those people are then surplus to requirements. Tories don't care. But they do get to champion the 'good works' of those that do, even if those caring come from the same impoverished section of society (which is why the quality of foodbank donations are substandard). Thy do this because it conforms to their sense of social justice. A twisted libertarian outlook that at once congratulates self sufficiency while making it increasing tough for people to be self sufficient - how do you enjoy independence when you are in the gutter?

It's ideological nonsense. Better to have a completely free society where the naturally occurring resources can be harvested and shared directly. Not for profit, but because people need them. They can use them to feed and clothe. They can come together to use them for the social good, to build a better future through research and culture.

I don't need Tory condescension and its warped notion of the social good. I need access to the things that they stole; the land and its resources. Too long have these rapacious elites monopolised them, all for profit. All to sell to each other in an endless game of pass the parcel which makes them increasingly more money until the music stops and the next crash happens.

Get rid of the lot of them. They are the parasites. Not us. We don't need them. That's the irony of their system. If we can feed ourselves and look after each other then they are irrelevant beyond desperately holding onto power. Using their state deputised thugs to beat us to death when we resist.

Finally, and just to clarify, with regard to food quality. I've seen what people donate. It's just rubbish. Blue stripe beans, cornflakes, cheap white bread, even bags of sugar. People deserve quality food. Health shouldn't be a luxury. I'm sure many donate more and most do so with genuine intentions, but this is not good enough.

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