Tuesday 31 March 2020

Lockdown Tales: Are We Doing The Right Thing?

Some genius from XR was saying the government are to be writing out to people telling them that lockdown conditions are set to get harsher. I've no idea if this is true, XR are unfortunately prone to hyperbole. I'm not sure what this means. In fact I'm not even sure the post is working! My greatest fear: rationing. Though I think that (hope to god!) unlikely as it would be an administrative nightmare. Not that that ever stops these idiots in charge.

I just put the bins out. A very weird experience for something so mundane. But that's how it is now. Everything has a weird yet invisible sheen. As if the perimeter of the property, when I place the bins, has some social shielding I must not breach. I feel the eyes of the neighbourhood peering out to ensure correct protocols are enforced. Are the bins even 'clean'? What will I catch from the bins after they have been cleaned? A million insane questions spin; the product of a world gone mad.

Sometimes I wonder if we are overreacting. It's hard to think so without coming across as a conspiracy peddler or an attention seeker. But yet, as I've said before, we must have perspective. The XR clip spoke of a death count as if it was some biblical slaughter. People have died, of course they have. Denying that is grotesque. But excess winter deaths are always high, even with 'regular' flu which we can vaccinate against. Is this the right approach?


I don't know. Maybe lockdown is necessary because our government have so spectacularly fucked up. That is indisputable. They've not just been caught with their pants down; they've actively stood in front of a charging bull called Covid, pulled their pants down themselves and painted their arses bright red. This is a horrible mess of their own making. Now we are paying the price, whatever the correct course of action may be. I guess only time will tell. In many ways whether or not I agree doesn't really matter since they aren't going to listen to me.

This is only week 2! They say truth is always the first casualty of war.

I think we can all agree that this should have been dealt with earlier, and more thoroughly. Test, trace, quarantine where necessary. We didn't. 

But on the other hand, it's a certainty surely that there are more people who have been infected/are infected than is being recorded. It is also quite credible to assert the virus has been circulating in Britain for longer. Which means we can compare it to the seasonal flu figures (which are collected or the totality of the season). Is it as bad? What does it mean if it is given that we don't lockdown the country over the flu. I hate to sound like Peter bloody Hitchens of all people (because he's a self righteous anachronism), but this is a valid inquiry and, if nothing else, I want to believe this can be better and not the doom laden scenario prophesied by the likes of XR.

But maybe they're right

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