Sunday 25 April 2021

Cranks On Parade

 Some people argue that the anti science conspiracy crank marches are a voice for the poverty stricken working class. The same bullshit was said about Brexit. I don't believe it's true now anymore than it was then. The people marching yesterday were doing so against a backdrop of a worsening situation globally; tens of thousands dying in India while the ignorant have their day out. They insult masked shoppers on Oxford Street demanding of others what they refuse to tolerate themselves. It's pitiful.

While I don't want to engage in class division, I doubt many of these (I'm guessing, I wasn't there and don't intend to be) aren't the working poor. They are people travelling down to London, enjoying a nice meal outside a cafe in the sunshine, while going on to regurgitate their Facebook provided bigotry. Fash lurk in the background.
In conclusion I'm not going to support this kind of fucking arrant stupidity. These people are dangerous. That's all there is to it. Probably petit bourgeois at best. I'm sure there are many working poor/working class who do share in their ignorance. They need to be reached. But they can't be coddled.

It's pretty obvious that, behind the scenes, there are nefarious interests at work here. Aside from the usual post Pizzagate/Qanon crankery. How else do you explain how some b actor bozo running for London Mayor? Who is paying for his campaign and his double decker bus? What does he do to support his endless appearances at these nonsense events? Is he actually doing any acting work right now? It's not like he's dressed in rags bumming change in Covent Garden while ranting about the Great Reset.

Make no mistake these people are dangerous. That is the most important fact. I have every sympathy with confused working class people. God knows we're in a period of the most intense gaslighting, and tryin to make sense of it all is a Herculean effort. But that cannot be an excuse for this toxicity. When you have high profile political wannabes saying, and I fucking quote, "healthy people don't need vaccinations", you have a problem. The rest of the world is dying. We're in the eye of the storm (potentially - who knows what the next few months will bring). This isn't over until it's over everywhere.

Like Brexit we should have rejected this narrative. It's anti working class: it's divisive conspiracy rubbish peddled by bigots and cranks.

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