Monday 4 January 2021

The Boris Who Cried Wolf (+1 minute 25)

When they turn the pages of history, when these days have passed long ago...

At some point this period will morph into words. More likely energetic pixels on a screen; the response to a finger touching a screen. The deaths of thousands and the upending of an economy, overseen by pitiless incompetent overlords, will be the equivalent of a Tinder swipe. A lesson next to an energy drink advert, easily ignored en route to the regular booster shot cycle now priced out of the hands of the working class. This is the inner city of Old New Old London, January 2, 2121.

Back in time, it's just us. Living through this. Our hopes and aspirations coalescing into app form to be preserved. A lesson, however, that cannot be ignored. This is not the world we want to leave, but until there is a critical mass of consciousness that won't change. Power is never given, it is only taken. That fact alone makes uncomfortable reading for those still clinging to the apron strings of the economic alma mater. Capitalism makes children of us all. Even the rich are not its masters, they are just a better class of slave.

We're 4 days into 2021 and things are not going well. On the day schools are meant to return parents, and teachers of course, are still in a state of unnecessary confusion. The problem is that the government prioritises the economy over the safety of children. This is a hard fact, simple in premise, for people to understand. A reality too straightforward to accept. Parents are needed at the pump, tilling the soil for the master. School provides valuable caretaking duties while instilling enough and as narrow of an education as required to raise them to do the same. This is the government's MO all along: put the economy first. The economy that has been in slow motion decline for decades. The economy unable to cope with crisis. It is crisis.

The government likes to think it virtuous to act like this. They are not acting recklessly, they are 'defending a decision'. A very bad decision the consequences of this have repeatedly been made available. This is ignorance, it is not resolve. It ain't a virtue.

I am writing this in the morning this day. I fully expect, by the time you're reading this, we'll be back under national lockdown, plus possibly more. What that could be, I do not know. I find this genuinely terrifying, more so than the virus (which is serious enough). This is simply because policy response has a more immediate impact than the virus - and that's only because I've fortunately avoided the virus. That is to say: whie the virus isn't physically ubiquitous, the risk is. That means everyone, however remote they might be from infection, is affected because the counter measures have to assume everyone is at risk. I went to Tesco on Saturday. For all I know everyone or no one could have had the virus. I will never know. In truth the cases locally are about 4100 per million of population. This of course fuels the denialists, but the reality isn't relfected in simple maths because the virus is infections.

Boris is going to be speaking to us, again, at 8pm. I tink it's clear where this is headed, the only question is: how strict? At this point we need a government of national emergency. We need proper planning: commandeering supply lines and seizing private assets. Socialism is the only solution. Let Jeff Bezos whine. Let them all whine. All effort must be strained toward the one goal of vaccination because by god we know otherwise they'll fuck that up as well.

Ok this is being posted before 8pm. I might respond afterwards, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not beginning to wobble. I've argued the case against deniers on social media (god knows why), but we cannot go on like this, that's certain. In and out of lockdown, decisions made with no time to prepare. No planning, no accountability and, perhaps worst of all, no humility. These Tory scum have got to go, now. We are paying for their Christmas; they wanted the economy open. We're dying for it. I can only hope the current horrific rates are just that bad blood passing through the system and that, in a couple of weeks, it will stabilise. I'm struggling to believe it's down to the variant. I find it too conveneitn when I hear the liars in government use that as the scapegoat. However if it's true, they must have known of it's existence back in December when they ended the last lockdown, surely? It didn't just appear on December the first. 

Something to ponder

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