Wednesday 27 January 2021

The Long Road 23: Sorry (+3:06)

It's the word of the day. The countdown corona conundrum. Just as jumbled up and meaningless without proper understanding. Unfortunately Johnson doesn't have that. So when he apologises to the nation, subsequently plastered over the front pages, immortalised like a terrible postage stamp charging an unimaginable cost, it is meaningless. His address, his 'apology', is just words. Like these; pixels on a screen. Except his are pixels not a scream. That's left to the rest of us, as our brains draw the reality of his performance into focus. Realising that it's just...words.

The only charitable reading is that, by his own words, he, and therefore his government, and therefore his class, are unfit to govern. Either he believes that he did the best he, and thus anyone, could. That no one could do better. Or he's admitting he fell short to the count of a hundred thousand deaths. Neither of those produce a better outcome. Both of those confirm that he, and therefore his government, and therefore his class, are unfit to govern. So, then, what will change?

Nothing. This apology is merely a projection. A bat signal to the lunatic fringe to reassure that business con function as usual. Already the ghouls that support him, largely in the media, itself a lost cause, are dismissing the death count. It's 'okay' because it's the elderly (and, as someone pointed out on Twitter, that argument didn't apply when it came to Brexit and the age divide between remain and leave). That they were, apparently, inevitably going to die anyway is at the heart of the anti lockdown covid denial movement. Let the rest of us take our chances (they say, dangerously speaking for everyone else and putting us all at risk), the old are going to die. Boo hoo, it's life, get over it. Except that, somehow, Boris' father has been privileged enough to receive the full dose of the vaccine. All while essential workers (probably including those administering his medicine) wait.

What a giant mess. He made it.

And he's refusing to learn the lessons (that trite prhase, deployed to achieve precisley the opposite). By saying it's "too soon", he's just proving my point. If, during the pandemic that is still happening, you aren't humble and willing to learn the necessary lessons to help end the pandemic that is still happening... you are unfit to govern.

So nothing will change. 

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