Tuesday 14 April 2020

Deadly Days 2: Trump Is A Biohazard

Bloody hell. I'd meant to do this every day and I forgot to post what I'd written yesterday. It was all there, I just didn't press the right button to post the entry. Oh will the Corona Gods forgive me I hope!

Anyway, you get two entries today. Small compensation. No refunds.

The weather really has gotten colder. I feel oddly betrayed by the blue skies as it's still pretty cold early on. Of course we've just been spoiled by nature showing us that it still cares, if only we'd stop behaving like arseholes to our world (and ourselves), by giving us an Easter heatwave.

So far I've managed to read two and a half novels, so I guess there are advantages to isolation! Malice by John Gwynne is a fairly traditional fantasy tale but no less enjoyable, and quite readable. Wild Cards volume 1 is a collection of stories edited by George RR Martin (the same) that take place within a shared 'realistic' superhero universe. I say realistic; about as much as any version of the USA when an alien bio weapon accidentally discharges in the sky over New York. It folds in real world events and is pretty good, if a bit repetitive. I'm currently working on Lifelik3 by Jay Kristoff which, as it turns out, is a Young Adult book (more or less, it follows the trope) about a teenage girl and her robot companions in the post apocalypse (though non-viral) cyber wastelands of America. So far so good.

I also joined Audible, which is owned by Amazon (what isn't?). For a monthly fee you get to download one or more audiobooks which are fully realised and unabridged. The books are read well but the cost is a bit excessive. Personally I would have preferred a subscription format, like Spotify: read as much as you like for £X a month. I guess it costs a lot to voice a full novel but still. I think it's one of those things wwhere the consumer cost cannot realistically match the production cost directly so you need to find a better model, hopefully relying on bulk sales.

My Doctor Who rewatch continues apace. I set myself the not-too-challenging (mostly) goal of re-watching the entirety of the Peter Davison (happy birthday!) canon. So far I'm almost at the end of his second of three seasons, about to complete the Black Guardian trilogy with the highly evocative and wonderful Enlightenment, featuring a game played by galactic super beings. Peter's performance as the Doctor is warm, pleasant faced (:D), but also breathless and exasperating - or is that Tegan's fault? If none of this makes sense to you it's because you are a heathen and I shall bid you good day! :D

And to conclude the trivia portion of the show, although i've spent the last couple of years building up my CD collection (I love prog!), I find myself listening to more electronic stuff on Spotify or Youtube. I just need relaxing sounds, and ambient electronica hits the spot way more than rock or metal, no matter how progressive. I hope, i and when things normalise, that changes. So here's today's current favourite: Silver, by Thom Brennan.

So in the morning I find myself watching clips from American media sources (the Majority Report with Sam Seder and Brian Tyler Cohen are about the best). I think their situation is comparable enough to ours to be teachable, while distant enough not to be too harrowing as a viewer. Also the "DVD extra" of Trump continuously melt down is hilarious - and horrific. This narcissist is in charge of what is proving to be the largest sickening petri dish in the world. Yet he cannot, fundamentally (perhaps genetically), accept any responsibility.

It's extraordinary to watch how this situation has slowly but surely started to break him. I can only hope that it breaks him - more importantly the spell of him - sufficiently that his mind spangled banner of idiot supporters wake the fuck up. Unfortunately they seem to be ignoring reality - and hygiene - by going en masse to church and hoping against hope (and science) that chapter and verse will immunise them from the virus their god, presumably, sent (or was it the other guy; the one that lives in the basement?).

This is the best example of Trump "losing it". How long can this continue?

This maybe his best interview ever! The sheer arrogance! "How dare you question me! Don't you know who I am?"

Yes, you're the liar in chief

We all do. You're a fake president and you're presiding over the biggest Covid disaster on Earth. You can probably see it from orbit. Stay in the ISS guys, it's not safe yet. You're probably safer floating in a tin can.

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