Sunday 5 April 2020

Weekender: Day vs Night

The days seem oddly laconic. I think it's Sunday. Throughout all my life the experience of each day coalesced uniquely. A bouquet of planetary rotation; sun and moon. Each had its own hue and I could always sense them. I suspect that is the same for everyone. It's not a superpower. It's not even a power.

But that mode has been thrown out of whack as never before. A global shift. Now it's all the same. Perhaps it is fortunate we are passing into warmer weather and longer, hopefully better, days. Whether that experience will coalesce again is likely, but it will take time to build the scar tissue. It will also not be the same I imagine.

Maybe that's why my sleep is disrupted. While the days are a comfortable if idle liquid, the nights are strange perturbed. Dreaming is intense. I wake more than usual. Somewhere the stress is being quietly stored during the day. Taken around the back, when its quiet or when I'm distracted with a book or typing some pretentious waffle online, and given a good kicking my sense of the every day is then crow-barred into my subconsciousness. I pay the price at night. The Covid succubus straddles my chest like Morpheus' own parking inspector. My mind is parked on double yellow, but there are no other spots and Boris Johnson is ahead painting those lines everywhere else.

Ok, that's perhaps a bit too phantasmagorical :D

Then I read that Matt Hancock, presumably now recovered, is threatening to take veryone's suntan lotion away by locking up all the parks and fields. People are flouting the government's lockdown in entirely predictable fashion. That is why I say this is not sustainable - that and the fact they have so completely mishandled all this that lockdown shouldn't have been necessary. But I guess it's a little late for that. I read the other day that people are still able to fly in from New York without being quarantined (one hopes they are choosing to do so, if true). Breathtaking; on one hand they threaten banning people from taking exercise (as if that will work) on the other....

While I would urge people to show some self responsibility and not make it easy for the authoritarian Tories to do what they do best (as opposed to looking after us), I did go for a second walk this afternoon. A brief half hour sojourn into the fields. It's the nicest day of the year so far, and the days are only going to improve. Get a grip Johnson and stop blaming people for doing what they would normally do while you yourself got the fucking disease from ignoring all safety protocols!

Still that's no excuse. Fortunately there lanes were clear (had they been full of people I'd have avoided it). The odd cyclist or walker and that's it. I have no excuse. But I wonder are people going to be banned from gardening? Exercising in their yard? Mowing the lawn? I heard plenty of that going on. This is unnatural, whether or not it's the correct course of action. I want to believe otherwise, not because I'm an arsehole (though evidence may suggest otherwise) but because I simply want this nightmare to end. Preferably with less or, if possible, no more covid deaths.

And now the PM is in hospital because he hasn't recovered. What a time to be alive, with the Queen rousing the nation (according to twitterphantic lickspittles). Who doesn't feel inspired to here a privileged elite appeal to cliches from the rarefied battlements of stolen land and a castle ensconced in safety and plenty.

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