Tuesday 17 May 2016

Top Down Reform of the NHS In Action

No top down reform, that's what the liars in the Tory party said before the collective herd of ignorant ill informed morons that voted for them managed to enable a coalition. 

Five years later, and a change in the face at the Department of Health, and it's another set of treacherous promises, all designed to obfuscate the truth. This time it's all about a seven day NHS. This against a backdrop of, amongst many things, increased difficulty getting a routine GP appointment.

So the privatisation of the NHS is going well.

I've just been to my local surgery, in person, to try and book an appointment. Ordinarily this is difficult enough, thanks to the Coalition's decision to turn PCT's into private enterprises and give a bunch of local autocrats the power to do as they please. My surgery has, apparently for a month now, only been open in the morning. Staffing issues is the reason, despite their being enough staff every time I have visited prior. We have always had a surgery here, for as long as I can remember.

The real reason for this, I suspect, is that the programme manager, along with a number of the senior doctors, are more interested in their private business, 'Work Doctors'. They are supposed to be working for the NHS, for the community, as is the local surgery. However ever since our local surgery lost it's two long standing doctors to retirement, they have struggled. Merging with a neighbouring practice, against a backdrop of Coalition changes, has created a piss poor provision run by these people. Appointments with my GP are impossible at the best of times with waiting times running into hours. Now it is impossible to be seen here except in the mornings. What makes this worse is that I have to compete (yay capitalism!) with those patients from the neighbouring cohorts who also want to be seen. 

This is disgusting. This morning I received notification that I have a Work Capability Assessment on the 7th of June. This is not something I have been looking forward to. My attempts to get a diagnosis for any of the issues that I face have comprehensively failed. My last appointment with the aforementioned GP got nowhere, as usual. In fact, the evidence I presented to support my case for a successful Aspergers diagnosis, have disappeared into an administrative black hole (ie, they lost the paperwork I gave them, which will not be easily replaced in a hurry). It's a farce at this point and it's long since past the point where I feel they stopped taking me seriously. 

My attempts to address the metabolic problem - whatever the fuck it is - that has plagued me for over a decade have similarity met with no success. All of these are, IMO, valid issues to raise at a WCA, but without supporting evidence (never mind an actual diagnosis of some kind), there is little point in me attending. Not only that but to even be allowed to proceed with the assessment three forms of ID are required in lieu of a passport (i don't own one, nor am I legally olibagated to). I don't think I have anything beyond a tatty (at this point) birth certificate and a bank statement - and I sure as shit don't want them having access to what's on there. You can't trust these filth with anything.

So there it is. That's the state of support for people like me. As ever I stress there are plenty of people far worse off than I, though I shouldn't need to mention that since I am not against the divide and rule tactics that the ruling elite employ. Everyone who needs support should get support. At the moment there is nothing. In fact even the appalling Universal Jobmatch has proved to be not just a haven for shitty/funny adverts, but is so dysfunctional as to be completely useless. 

There is, quite simply, no future.

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