Friday 2 October 2020

Writing In The Ruins 4: Rain Rain Go Away

 Well, well, well. It had to happen. The Donald done got the Covid. Apparently infected by a staffer ironically named Hope! How I laughed. His horrific selfish wife (who's on tape moaning that kids are suffering) is likewise sick. Oh, Corona, thou art a most fickle mistress.

You'll forgive my indulgence in a little light schadenfreude I'm sure. Join me! The rest of the world is. No one more deserving (Bolsanaro, but he seems to have survived) than this Tango Trump Elite Racist Dog Whistling Lying Hateful Scumbag. A world without Trump would be a better place, of that there is no doubt. Does that mean he has die? Not necessarily, but if that's what it takes. I mean it's not as if he hasn't spent the last six months downplaying the virus and setting a divisive example resulting in hundreds of thousands of dead. It's not as if his own rallies are breeding pits for this disease (including recent appearances possibly even the debate!). There is literally no one more deserving: he who lives by the sword...

He refuses to wear a mask. He's repeatedly advocated pseudo science. He's tacitly encouraged his supporters not to wear a mask. Some even died from the medicine (I can't spell the name of) he incorrectly recommended. He's lied repeatedly. He ignores and publicly mocks his own health experts. He continually appeals to the profit motive, willingly sacrificing the families - and kids - of the working class so he can capitalism can survive. That is his overriding motive. If that's what kills him in the end...

Well boo fucking hoo.

Meanwhile over here, over Hadrian's Wall some dimwit politician decided the best thing to do, while waiting on your test result was to take the longest train journey imaginable. Hours aboard a train in a small compartment (we'll never know how busy I guess). I mean what planet are these people living on.  The hubris involved in making such a catastrophic and egregious error of judgement are breathtaking. So she'll be up for promotion then - though Nicola Sturgoen thinks otherwise!

And the rain pours. Another storm. Angry earth seeks a cleansing perhaps, but we're getting in the way. The human virus infecting the body of the planet. We are our own covid. The earth cannot take much more of us, we're an earworm. We won't relent. The skies are twisted. Precipitation everywhere except where it's needed. Floods in one corner of the world, fire in another. The biosphere that nature gives us has given us notice. If we don't mend our ways, mother nature is going to evict. Who can blame her.

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