Monday 16 April 2012

Txt Me

Can I take this opportunity to again slam the Work Programme as a money making scam for the few at the expense of the many unemployed?

Now Cleggy wants a scheme that sees the support for our growing unemployed youth to be whittled down to a text message.

I'm not a youth, but JC support is non existence, and if you re on the WP they withdraw completely - except to check your jobsearch (which the WP are meant to provide) and take a signature. I'm supposed to be seen by the same person each time, that's what the DWPs own psychologist agreed given my difficulties (issues, by the way, that the WP provider can't and seemingly won't address). But they are short staffed when I sign on because no one wants to work Fridays. This exacerbates their usual lack of coordination within a system that is byzantine, complicated and at times self defeating.

Recruitment agencies are getting swallowed up by the WP as the big names are jumping on board while the little ones are no hope anyway. It won't be long before the private sector replaces the JC+ entirely as I believe that to be the end game of the WP. It isn't just a 'hooray for work, arbeit macht frei' scheme, it's the privatisation of the benefits system. You will have to convince an untrained and unfunded and perhaps uncaring little man working for a subcontractor that's at the bottom of the food chain in order to get your payment. But of course he won't bear the responsibility for the sanction you may end up getting because those targets will be kept for the primes.

Chris Grayling is a sociopath. I wouldn't trust him to look after a ten pence piece never mind the welfare system and the well being of people on his failing schemes. IDS is a christian zealot who wouldn't know what it's like to work in a fraught economy putting in long hours for a pittance, or dealing with the insecurity of a zero hour contract. Both of these people are, objectively, completely unfit for their jobs and wouldn't have them were it not for the self interest of rural middle England and the fawning right wing media.


  1. I only hope the job centre staff see this for the privatization for what it is. In a lot of studies it has been shown that the Job centre does a better job that these private companies.

    1. It would be in their own interest. But like most they probably don't see the real picture.


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Years and years ago, before anyone had ever heard of disease and pandemics, I started this blog. I gave it a stupid name from an Alan Partri...