Friday 12 March 2021

Back To The Beginning 12: Moron Free Speech

This clip by Owen Jones whose hair is suffering more than my mental health at this time (which is to say not really that badly, I just like moaning about it because it's cathartic) is instructive. Cleverly he inserts a valid criticism of Churchill, the media's favourite racist. He's a war hero war 2. He didn't fight, his class left that to the working class. He wasn't in danger. He took no chances. Laughable.

Of course his interlocutor spectacularly misses the point and launches into just that kind of defence. Churchill is a sacred cow, a mythical figure none of us alive have ever met. He was also a violent defender of the ruling class, with all its vile attitudes. Our victory in WW2 is irrelevant. The point being made is that if you care about free speech you shouldn't have a problem with criticism of Churchill - especially when it's factual. But Owen didn't actually criticise Churchill, his interlocutor infers this. All that was said was that Churchill played a part in the Bengal famine. This is factually correct. It's matter of history. These are the people who cry "facts don't care about your feelings", except for them that is entirely false. Consequently speaking this truth about Churchill invariably stirs the passions of those whose only outlet is violent threats - which they want to defend as free speech.

Everything has become contorted in modern society. It's quite simple; saying stuff has consequences because we live in a society and you're talking to people. Crying that you should be free from those consequences isn't an argument for free speech, it's exposing the hypocrisy of your claim that others are doing exactly that. 

There is also a power dynamic that the 'free speech' brigade always ignore. It's easy to argue for free speech, against the 'woke' crowd (whoever they are) when you're the rich white male host of a TV show. Less so when you're the representative of a marginalised community just trying to defend yourself. You'd think that the former would have a greater responsibility to the truth, but they don't care about that. In the name of free speech they'll punch down and perpetrate oppression. Then, when the victim responds, they'll cry 'free speech'. An entitlement that doesn't justify being an ass. 

So what can the victim (don't use that word!) do except move to 'cancel' people? This isn't the terrifying totalitarian tactic people think it is. People have a right to speak, they don't have a right to do that anywhere they please. I can't go into your house and shout the odds. Likewise universities and college campuses have to invite people, which means they can uninvite them just the same. How ridiculous would it be, how free would people be, if, having invited someone, you were just not allowed to change your mind. That isn't being cancelled. It just means you aren't being invited anymore. Tough luck, try again another time - or perhaps examine yourself and reflect. But self awareness isn't seen as a virtue by these people. They want everything their way and anyone else who doesn't like it is a crybaby snowflake.

Welcome to 2021.

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