Monday 29 March 2021

Start of Summertime

Today is a nice day. You can tell as much as the incessant breeze isn't as annoyingly cold on your skin, particularly around the neck. What a blessed relief.

Winter is a difficult period at the best of times. Even more so at the worst. Our leaders don't care of course, insulated in their ivory towers they pass the time by burning money and generating energy from laughing at us. What's the latest scandal? The scarlet woman! And she's American, too! Tory voters won't blame Boris, despite philandering and financial irregularity being his MO, they will, through ingrained cultural misogyny, blame her. She led him astray, a married man! The hussy! I have no doubt that will be the narrative played out. A man who wanted, then, to be PM with such a lack of self control he cheated on his wife and paid thousands to keep the mistress sweet. We're back to the days of Tory sleaze once again. Last time it was the PM shagging that Currie creature, now it's Boris' turn. These people are repellent in every way. 

But the Tories stand by each other. It's nothing virtuous; birds of a feather and all that. They only do it to keep in power, a lesson Labour hasn't learned. They won't, we have the dismal, repeated spectacle of Jess Philips bemoaning the state of the nation (correctly) under this government, yet shockingly oblivious to her part in it, as someone who's spent four years carving away at her own leadership. Publicly siding with the enemy to air her hatred, actual hatred, for Jeremy Corbyn. No wonder Mogg thought it was amusing, the sad part is that she clearly doesn't recognise the class warfare being perpetrated. She can't possibly have thought she was winning them over. They ain't your friend Jess, and they never will be. Labour are massively tanking and will do disastrously in the elections. Then, wither Starmer?

Lockdown restrictions somewhat ease today. Meaningless really, how many working class even have access to affordable or free outdoor facilities? I guess it's ok if you're a wealthy enough to pay for access to a tennis court. Besides which, people have been meeting outdoors throughout; this is meaningless. Kids hang around together constantly. No one stops them. People regularly hang around outside the cafe getting their takeouts. All this is just performative. Still it generates some prime middle class copy for the likes of the Guardian. Those struggling with no support continue to get ignored.

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