Friday 19 March 2021

Back To The Beginning 19: Another Back To Work Enterprise, Another Waste of Time

I decided to kick Fedcap into touch. I'm tired of dealing with these organisations honestly. There has been no communication from them in a month so I sent an email asking if there was anything to report ahead of today's appointment. Given that no response was forthcoming I decided to cancel it, and them. They clearly aren't able to give me what I need. I'm sure the person with whom I'd been dealing is a nice guy but he has no idea how to help and so what is the point. He'd asked for some of my music with the impression he was going to talk to 'experts' in some form and see what they could suggest. That clearly hasn't happened. I din't expect it to; he isn't an expert in this field at all. I don't expect him to be, but then what's the point if they can't help. There has been no communication built with these people. I've given them every opportunity but rapport never came.

I'm not overly upset. It is frustrating, but it's mainly just predictable. None of these organisations have ever lived up to the promise. That itself isn't really the problem, though it is a problem. The real issue is that this is how the system believes one ought be helped. This is all you get. So if it doesn't work, guess who the system, i.e. the government, finds fault with? Yet I'm not the one paid thousands on behalf of people like me, to do this work. It's just an exercise in mediocrity; none of these organisations have the ambition nor the means. Sure, if I'd been someone just wanting a CSCS card or a pair of work boots, things would have been different - easier. Anything creative, anything that society can't easily commodify or exploit, and it's a different matter. Yet the irony is that's exactly what I am for these types of organisation. I am exploited for them to make a profit; if it weren't for out of work people (people not exploited elsewhere) then these companies couldn't succeed. That's just how it works; classic Marxist exploitation. I'm not saying my advisor(s) are exploitative people, but that's how their service works (has to) under capitalism. So within that they will look for the best return: the cheapest service they can provide, the least they can do. Again that's not on an individual advisor basis. I don't bear these people any ill will. The problem is systemic. Until that is addressed this entire industry is never going to solve unemployment (regardless of why the individual is out of work). 

I'vs said it before: what is needed, to really help, is a revolutionary approach. Organisations like this need to develop an awareness of class relations, of capitalist exploitation, of why and how structural unemployment exists (it is necessary for capitalism). Then they need to link up to support our side in the class war, because denying that war exists is at best naive; surrender at worst.

The real tragedy is that the money paid to these businesses could be given directly to individuals. That's not going to be for everyone and for some there are probably better ways to be helped. Furthermore I don't doubt Fedcap has been helpful to some, even though their testimonials don't accurately show that. The problem is just the paucity of vision that capitalism allows. Of course this is a gravy train; like everything the government invests in. No different to dodgy PPE contracts given to your mate who runs your local. Or some Tory donor. I have no idea the relationship between Fedcap and the Tories, and I allege nothing. It's just how this system works. It should change.

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