Saturday 8 August 2020

Eat In, Tories Out 5: It's Too Damn Hot!

 Heat like a weight on my chest. As if gravity had been turned up a notch. Can't do owt about it, celestial mechanics are not my thing. Carbon in the atmosphere energising weather's anger. When it gets it now, it gets hotter. When it gets wet, it gets wetter. When the storms come...

And again they all pile on to the beaches. The least surprising outcome ever. Did they shut the beaches in anticipation? Did they heck! 

I don't know if any of these people have the Covids. Maybe - hopefully - none of them do, nor will they. But we can't know that. Transmission outdoors is much less of a risk, but you just don't know. That's the reason for the social distancing policies, consequently they have to apply equally to everyone, or not at all.

Not at all it is then. Every single one of these people, thanks to Dominic Cummings, has a credible excuse. There is nothing the government can legitimately do as a result. Sure they have the power. That's all the state has; power without legitimate authority - and legitimate authority is not a product of power.

Same with all the tradesmen types I see wandering in to the local bakery to get their pasties and sarnies. None of them wear masks. Ever. The shop doesn't challenge them. I wish it would, but can't really blame them for not. Not wishing to stereotype people, but I calls it as I sees it. It''s not the mother with the pushchair, or the elderly couple, and it ain't me. 

It's also not much to ask surely. A bit like, perhaps, fiding a different destination on a hot summer's afternoon than the beach EVERYONE is going to.

But oh well. Oh hell.

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