Sunday 9 August 2020

Weekender 21: Britain is a shithole

 Year on year it's getting hotter. This year, aside from the fever, the world burns again. Hottest days coming thick and fast. Egregious weather everywhere. If you think that's going to prompt our useless leaders into action, you'd be mistaken.




And the media supports all of it.

There's a discussion to be had. No there isn't. That's a canard set by right wing thought leaders that want their disgraced discredit and disreputable ideas to bleed through into the public consciousness. They want a seat at the table, just so they can appear legitimate. What's the discussion? Well, at the minute, it's the deployment of the navy against a dingy full of desperate refugees. Is this what we've become? We demand France takes care of the problem after walking away from the EU structure that would have helped share the burden (so to speak).

That's not to say the EU is great on refugees with its fortress Europa mentality, btw. But for the British government to claim it's handling the situation, leaving makes no sense.

Of course nothing will be done. It's just a distraction; sabre rattling to impress the press. Make the knuckledraggers and the curtain twitchers feel good about their bigotry.

What a shitty little island we are. All set to sail alone in the world, desperate for deals with dictators. Selling arms to bomb those who then seek refuge in places like ours. Only to be treated callously. Does a dingy full of brown folk really constitute an existential threat? How fragile!

And politicians are on holiday. Really. You don't think maybe of all times that maybe  you ought to remain? Not a good look is it.

Meanwhile the clown car drives headlong to the cliff, the white cliffs of Itsallover, ready to fling our econmy over the edge and into the sea like a falling star. Goodbye to our futures.

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