Monday 15 February 2021

The Road To Spring 15: Blame and Glory

Yesterday a morning came a smile upon your face, morning glory, Caesar's palace, silly human race

Those may be song lyrics (of a sort). Sorry.

Yesterday we appear to have got the infection rate down to about 10,000. Still it was Sunday so we can't be sure if that's accurate or sustained. Time will tell. 

If and when we get this virus down - we - it will be because of us. Not the ruinous powers above our heads and over our lives. They will seek to take credit for this. They will seek to reward their own (Hancock will be shuffled upstairs and someone new will take charge, he won't complain, be glad to be out of there). We must not let them get away with that. They cannot co opt our efforts as they have our applause. This has not been a communal effort because we were never all in this together. When the time comes, when the all clear rings out, they must be marginalised. Put their heads on spikes, a warning to future generations. This will be our victory because the only ones that fought for it were the working class. All effort in spite of the malevolence and corruption from a government happy to starve children. Twice.

Today, apparently, our graceless Chimp in Chgarge (that's unfair to primates) will bless us with another live miserycast. I look forward to an evening of platitudes and bullshit. Who is he persuading? Us, who have been living with this crap for almost a full year, or his lunatic backbenchers and their thirst for economic savagery. How stupid are these people? There aren't numbers enough to answer that. The roadmap out of this entirely depends on us. Not them. We are the power here. 

It has been a lovely day. In stark contrast to last week's ice-laden misery, of which I shall never tire of bemoaning. It is how I function, which is admittedly kinda sad. But I'm out walking (not right now) in the fields without a scarf or gloves! Beach ready! Still there's plenty of time for another icy plunge; that is how winter seems to operate these days. One last chilly touch before the good times. Just to keep us in line, in a world burning up.

I was in town, caught a bus for the first time in almost....weeks. There really is no alternative if I want to get a decent week's shopping done. Can't order online they are booked up for weeks. Oh well. It is so strange; everything is in direct contrast. An obvious dichotomy. On one hand the non essential shops, which are most of them, remain closed. Yet everywhere else, right next door, is business as usual. Fortunately most people in them were masked. Outside there's plenty of people; walking around with nary a care it seemed. People strolling the promenade, walking dogs on the beach. Human activity as normal. Yet all around them, the new normal. Eventually one of those realities will win. Whichever it is, we must be in charge of.

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