Tuesday 16 February 2021

The Road To Spring 16: Division

The laughably named Covid Recovery Group (the only such group I trust is called the NHS instead) wants everyone able to enjoy a picnic in a month's time. This is ridiculous because it is already happening. People are already associating: families out together playing ball in the park or taking the dogs for a walk. People are already buying takeout food and drink to eat publicly. It's happening everywhere. This lockdown is the ragged edge of what is acceptable. Whereas in the first lockdown the rules were more rigidly enforced, play areas taped off for example, business are now employing whatever means they can, such as clock and collect and takeout. Who can blame them, they've had no support. Worse our society has not changed. It should have. Division is the end result.

The mismanagement of the pandemic (still thus) has led to greater division within the working class. It just shows the innate power of divide rule; a consequence of capitalist class divisions. Working people are forced to choose between business - economic survival - and their community. When there is no support for either, there is no correct choice, and whatever you choose causes division between people. 

The Tories are acting out of fear. Something all the anti lockdown crowd believe of their opponents. They claim we should stop living in fear, but this isn't fear. It is the correct response to an existential threat. They then have to disbelieve such a threat exists and so the rabbit hole deepens. The correct response is the rational response - the opposite of fear. But when Covid Recovery Clowns tell us we should open up, they do so recklessly, because they are afraid. Mostly of losing power. They certainly don't care about the real consequences of lockdown. These they correctly identify, but only to use them for their cause. As is clear the Tories don't care about mental health, nor the economy (Brexit, anyone?).

What makes the Covid Recovery Group so pernicious is their use (as all antiloxxers do) of the mental health crisis. They are weaponizing it in their class war. They don't care about actual mental health; this government has had ten years to address it, but won't because a) that involves investment and b) it also requires a fundamental societal shift. Mental health is intrinsically linked to capitalism, which means that, in order to heal our sick society, we must address it. And remove it. The Tories obviously don't want that, the CRG especially as they are it's most crank fringe. Yet they are happy to use the crisis of mental health (and it is a crisis) to get their way. Disgusting.

In short the Covid Recovery Circus is another excuse to fleece the taxpayer and further the increasingly fevered capitalist agenda. Fuck 'em.

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