Tuesday 12 May 2020

Lockdown is Lockdown 2: I Forgot a Title!

No summer holiday. No change there then, I haven't been on one for decades. :D

Hope everyone gets a refund from Thomas Cook - oh wait.

Another day in Capitaland.

Today is International Nurses Day (Florence Nightingale's birthday, apparently - you learn all sorts listening to Radio 4 in the morning, including that Mishal Hussein should never talk about eating nobs). I can't imagine many of these good people (I won't use the word 'hero', it's lost all value) ever imagined we'd be in this situation.

This blogger, for all it's worth and to any that may be reading, I say thank you and stay strong.


I fully support this campaign:
 Meanwhile, the Tories crack on with taking back control

For a party that claims to be big on responsibility and control, they have managed to do neither. Surrendering to everything from plague to presidents, from Corona to Morona.

This isn't a planned economy, it's a mismanaged disaster


  1. Children are the most effective and germ filled vectors of viruses and bacteria. We'll be facing a tsunami sized second wave of infection within ten days of them opening the primary schools.

    Hope you are staying well Ghosty.

    1. Hey, good to hear from you!

      Yes, I agree. Kids are not known for their rational objective logic based thinking. They want to touch, play, feel, sniff, cough and sneeze! It's in the job description.

      I'm doing ok. I can't really complain though the situation is unusual. My sleep isn't the best, but I am lucky in many ways. I've got money and food (socks are another matter). It could be a lot worse and hopefully it won't be.

      Hope you are doing ok too


I'm Back!

Years and years ago, before anyone had ever heard of disease and pandemics, I started this blog. I gave it a stupid name from an Alan Partri...