Saturday 2 May 2020

Weekender 7: Governmorons

Tom Watson gets the day off to a good start:
I don't even recall if he's still in the party so he could well be off the leash. Of course he was always a scumbag so what does this show. It demonstrates how the Westminster have more in common with each other than they do with their constituents. This is what our system creates.

Unsurprisingly, I believe it needs to die. It is not, does not, and will not work for us. Really, though that should be obvious. Just like the death stats and Covid induced misery. Unfortunately, thanks to our toxic partisan media, people are propagandised. Either through misdirection, outright deception, or through being convinced that X is not X.

It is X.

The governmorons have pledged a paltry sounding 76 million pound package for the most vulnerable. Meanwhile Liverpool council is about to go bankrupt. How does this happen you might well ask; especially now? Well it's quite simple; it's been happening for years. The Tories have long had it in for the good people of Liverpool (no doubt that old demon, Murdoch, will be rubbing his withered hands together - careful they might spark - over this). This goes back to the days of Militant. It is hard to imagine the scale of suffering that will accelerate in a city already hit by a virus.

You know what I call this. That's right; it's class warfare. That's ALL it is. Don't let them tell you different mon cher.

They say the peak has been passed. I'm not sure what that means as the stats aren't clear and nothing right now is certain. It doesn't really matter. Even if they end lockdown (they won't) people will be too insecure to venture far.

We find ourselves in a curious situation. You have the capitalists desperate for business to normalise, but the government can't end lockdown. Yet the Brexit contingent are among those calling for business to normalise. The same lunatics that want to drive us off an economic skyscraper, taking a base jump into an economic abyss. Brexit is not the wish of the capitalists any more than is lockdown. To say we're living in weird times doesn't begin to explain it. These are the contradictions that the capitalists and the ruling class can't deal with. Let's exploit these fractures; drive a huge wedge shaped fist inside and tear them wide open. Let the pus ooze out and the wound heal.

And in solidarity with the Mayday squat protests


It's not enough to throw a risible sum of money at the homeless. It requires a cultural shift. Don't give them temporary homes. Give them - and everyone - actual homes. We should be expropriating these unoccupied houses, the millionares rows', and taking them back. Working class neighbourhoods still being gentrified and socially cleansed by Labour as well! Do not forgive and do not forget.

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