Tuesday 15 September 2020

Nature Wants Revenge 1: Heat waving

 Well the heatwave is back. Our climate has its revenge, again. Soon this planet will be a lot less inhabitable and we are doing our darnedest to make sure that happens. The skies of California look like something our of a science disaster movie. The sky more orange than the skin of the narcissist baby in charge of America. A 'man' who denies the obvious reality that has led to the situation. One I can guarantee he cares very little about, since California doesn't swing his way.

Meanwhile i have yet to hear from Fedcap. The latest DWP company to provide help for people out of work. I don't know the correct title. It has been three weeks since my initial interview with them during which my suitability for the programme was positively assessed. I had told them I was willing to participate and have been waiting to hear back from the caseworker I was told would be put in touch. I emailed them today - while aware that the current circumstances make things possibly quite different (entirely fair). However the reply I got was completely amnesiac. Even though ti's the same person, even though she can read the chain of emails to get up to speed, it appears she has no recollection and wanted to discuss my suitability for the programme. Again.

I am so fed up dealing with these organisations. Every single one. Without fail. Has been a complete joke. I have already described how what they claim, in terms of health support, is not congruent with what they told me in that interview. Now it appears the process o getting me onto this course hasn't even begun. I don't really know what's going on and I just told her to read the emails and that I wasn't really happy. I bit my tongue, electronically speaking, but I am frustrated with these organisations. All of them do this; a low level yet persistent bureaucratic incompetence that just serves to make things needlessly awkward. All while hiding how useless they are, providing a service that is never what is advertised, in return for public funding.

As I type, Boris the Bollock is in Parliament proroguing my sanity and gaslighting the nation once more. All so he can have his little day out in Westminster, the place he thinks he owns. All doing the will of his creepy adviser, the power behind the throne. Debating whether or not to enshrine into law the act or breaking international law in order to do a deal with people who will punish us for breaking international law. People upon whom the wealth of our trade lies.

But we got a deal (pending ratification) with Japan. So that's less than 1% of our GDP covered. British Stilton is saved - except they are on worse terms than we're being offered from the EU. Terms that have provoked this irrational crazy course of intended law breaking. This deal is also pending whether or not we do break international law and whether that upsets the Japanese to such an extent they decide to tell us to fuck off. We also had a deal with them as part of the EU. One in which we would have had some say at least. Yay Britain. Shooting itself in the foot and calling that a bullseye!

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