Friday 11 September 2020

The Continuing of the Beginning of the End 5: This. Is. Not. Working

 I'm tired. Energy eludes me presently. Perhaps I need to return to my sanctum and recharge my powers under what is certain to be the solar eclipse. After all how many more signs of the apocalypse do we need? LA is bathed in a terrifying red haze, the word is gripped by plague, and Britain's bonkers brexiteers think we are ruled by a reign of frogs.

So now all eyes turn to Britain. Is our government seriously going to do this? Actually break international law and set fire to the situation that's already more flammable than a petrol forest (or California!). Yes, it seems they are. The Americans won't tolerate it. Nancy Pelosi, the pretend democrat billionaire most likely speaks for the American ruling class when she unequivocally tells us NO DEAL! If we threaten the Good Friday Agreement, they won't do business with us. Extraordinary that we are taking the agreement less seriously than the American senate; one of the most corrupt democracies ever to colonise the land.

Meanwhile we are treated to another Johnsonian masterstroke: the rule of six. Another three word phrase (like Get Brexit Done, or Fuck The Tories) that the Cummings mind palace thinks is mnemonically sound. Programming us like a terrible sheepdog, barking from Barnard Castle.

The week ends with the highest daily infection rate since the bad old days. Three and a half thousand new infections, and, it appears, hospitalisations slowly rising as well. Too early to tell in regard to fatalities. This is grim news and our govrenment is left with a hail Mary that seems completely off the wall. How on earth are they going to offer everyone constant testing? They can't even deliver Brexit without fucking iit up. I have so little faith in these spineless lying clowns that whenever I think about them I immediately bring myself down. Its like the worst kind of drug. 

I have no idea how or, more importantly, when this well end. I can seriously see the formation of an emergency government because, surely, we cannot continue with this oaf. Johnson is so far from fit for office that a drunk serial killer would be more appealing. They have no authority, people are clearly not paying attention ut the virus isn't interested in conspiracies, lockdown denial, or any of the assorted idiots spouting nonsense about muzzles on Twitter. 








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