Friday 4 September 2020

The Beginning of the End 3: Rule Britannia

 Today a flailing liar whom we will call Hancock, I mean Matt, tried to defend the imminent, and inevitable, decision to hire Tony Abbot as trade negotiator. A man rejected by his own party. A man who has done no trade deals. A man who thinks women are inferior, covid isn't a big deal, and climate change a lefty fantasy. This imminent decision has been defended by the equally hapless, and wholly stupid, Liz Truss. One of the most ignorant politicians I've ever had the misfortune of sharing a planet with.

Brexiteers continue to drive us to the cliff edge in a game of chicken. They believe that the faster we drive toward the EU, the more likely they will be to veer off. We will therefore 'win', because that's what it is. A competition. We have to win. HAVE to. This is how these idiots define themselves. Seventy years of peace, a successful trading bloc, all thrown away because we have to 'beat' the Germans one more time. In the process we're just humiliating ourselves. The war didn't end for some people, it just gave them new terms to define themselves, so bereft they are of anything unique thanks to the overriding stamp of capitalism. Suits and ties.

That's not to say of course the EU is perfect, far from it.

The national discourse has been hijacked by ideology, given its own inertia and thrown hurtling into the sun. Instead of having that conversation, in work places or the streets, we are dumbstruck by that ideology. No one cares what's real anymore as long as the fiction of it is satisfying. 

We are rapidly approaching the eleventh hour. While Britain has not got its act together: the food industry is now reporting that it is too late to label food products! This makes it impossible to export them to the EU. This is catastrophic surely! The government's response: to allow Jacob Praying Mantis to play Rule Britannia in the House of Commons. This is victory to these people; the ability (they never lost) to sing a song no one cares about except puce faced gammonites previously fulminating in faux outrage. 

Thousands have died, our economy is next, taking with it the means to import food and medicine. This country cannot feed itself without imports. Medicines are self explanatory.

Rule fucking Britannia

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