Thursday 24 September 2020

Septic September 4: Numbers Go Up

 So the Powers That Be Bullshit have finally released their vaunted track and trace app. I tried finding it on the Google Play store, couldn't. Doesn't really matter actually because my shitty phone isn't up to spec; you need the latest version of your OS of choice. Now that isn't perhaps a controversial requirement, you might think, but it's another arrogant assumption: not everyone has the bestest and smartest of phones. I certainly don't and I can't afford one either. So no track and trace for me. I have to ask: could it not have been made simpler and less demanding?

More importantly could it not have been done earlier? We needed this three months ago. Now we are seeing infections rising at a rate comparable to the bad old days of April. A true second wave is unfolding and, frankly, it's terrifying. This has coincided with the beginning of the dark days: the period where night reigns o'er the day. This is the coming of winter and the six months our inept Prime Moron has condemned us to through his unwillingness to shut what needs shutting.

Like pubs and fucking bars, probably schools and universities since the latter are a hotbed for something like Covid. Can't blame the kids, not when they are crammed into crap accommodation built to profit developers and universities. All capitalism's chickens are coming home to roost. As exemplified further by Rishi Sunak, the hedge fund chancer (i mean chancellor, though what is the difference?), and his inability to take care of people in the inevitable forthcoming lockdown.

Not sure what else to say today. It's looking like dismal deja vu now, when I post. The numbers seem to have only one direction; a terrible gravity lent to them by the utter failure of the Tories. I could vent my spleen some more, but it's a bit late, a bit dark, and I don't want to do that right now. it's tiresome and empty. I can only hope that, in the coming days, we get some good news.

Maybe Dominic Cummings will fall off a cliff or something. 

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