Sunday 27 September 2020

Weekender 28: Anti Capitalism Is Hate Speech

According to the Guardian, Department for Education advice issued Thursday now classifies anti capitalist material/ideas as 'extreme'. Equating it with antisemitism.

We live in a capitalist society. 

We live in a failed capitalist society. The system is on life support, much like the tens of thousands that have died this year thanks to the disease the capitalist government didn't take seriously. An attitude that can only come from capitalism because the system breeds short term thinking and puts profits first. There is very little profit in spending money on preparing for a pandemic, and one of this isn't likely, right?

Oh well.

It's the same system that has also wasted hundreds of millions at a time by giving contracts to private pals who didn't provide. 

Now you could argue that our British capitalists are just shit capitalists. I would argue that these decisions are inevitable under this system. It's possible the government could have been wiser, giving them to more competent providers, but the problem would still remain: contracts given on the basis of profit. Necessarily in the competition (which didn't happen) corners get cut. What we should have is health provision on the basis of need under a planned system. We need X ventilators, masks, etc. So get them.

Instead we get a system that at best exists to make a profit regardless pf the prevailing conditions of world crisis. But you will never get the best example of capitalism. You will get the ruling class making the sorts of decisions it has made: looking after its own, enriching themselves. Quintessentially capitalism. Even if it's shit capitalism.

And so kids will not be allowed to read such things are learn such analysis. My scintillating in depth excoriation of the system will of course be the kind of extreme hate speech anti capitalist rheoric has no been branded. Another sign of the creeping curse of a resurgent fascism - itself a symptom of late stage, failing, capitalism. 

This can't end well.

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