Saturday 26 September 2020

Weekender 28: From App To Worse

We learn today that the app, itself already months late, cannot include all tests. Results from Public Health England or an NHS hospital can't, currently, be included. I'd say this is unbelievable but that would be a giant lie. At this point I have no conception what it would take to handle this virus correctly under the Tories. I imagine this will get fixed, but for's another expensive white elephant. I still can't use it either. No device I know has the version of Android required, which is also, IMO, stupid.

2023 schools are reportedly infected. There are 32,770 schools in total. At what point does this become a concern? Those are still people's lives as well as educations being affected, never mind the threat of community transmission. It is a low percentage, but that it's being allowed to happen demonstrates the government thinks there is an acceptable minimum - an acceptable amount of potential harm - in the name of capitalism. Don't forget the schools opening is done to facilitate childcare while parents go back to awork. It isn't being done in the name of safety.

Police have moved to break up another anti-lockdown protest in Trafalgar Square. This is depressing on many fronts. Firstly I am not a fan of such authoritarian measures being used on working class people. But that has to be seen through the lens of pandemic. This static gathering comprises people that are not masked. It may well be perfectly safe, but we don't know. More importanlty the one thing it is guaranteed to spread is dangeorus delusion. Misinformation. These are people who are confused and manipulated. Facebook and social media groups spreading the virus of falsehoods all fervently believed. You cannot argue with a mob so really the dismal sight of cops breaking it up is the only reality left to us. But these people need to understand, somehow, they are desperately and unfortunately wrong.

Likewise to the school situation, the government is clearly okay with a certain number of people - families - being thrown out of work. They wring their hands but do nothing. Some are in for a rude awakening when they start claiming Universal Credit. A terrible lesson to learn if they haven't already. 

This is just further demonstration of how capitalism functions. On the other hand we now have the LibDems apparently passing a motion in favour of Universal Basic Income. While the devil will be in the detail the purpose of this, as with schools and unemployment, is to ensure that capitalism survives. If that means having to 'give' people money (temporarily of course) then that is what will happen. But make no mistake the system remains, perpetuating all its problems. It is a fraught fragile inadequate system prone to increasingly frequent collapse. Sooner or later there a reckoning must be,

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