Wednesday 18 November 2020

Idiots On Parade 3: Walk Away

It will never end. A bit like Covid, though I hope not.

I speak of the antisemitism affair that has set fire to the Labour party. Maybe when the sun finally dies and the last vestiges of humanity float off into trans spectral space in their thought yachts, one of the Eloi will recollect the billions of years old drama and say "maybe Jeremy wasn't such a bad guy."

Look I get it. He has associated with people of questionable character. That's true of any politician - especially the Tories who sell guns and death around the world and shakes hands with horrific human beings. But that doesn't mean he hates Jews and engages in racism! The cognitive dissonance required to entertain that notion is frankly painful. But we live in the post factual world; where ideology wins. Jeremy is a racist because of course he is. Just like when people say, now, "at least Corbyn isn't in charge" when faced with the facts of our failed Tory response to a pandemic they themselves planned for.

There really isn't any point engaging anymore. Those that bash Jeremy will never stop. Sadly Labour has given in to these people. A minority within the Jewish community (I hope) who have the ear of the establishment, given a platform in the media, which is all to happy to hear how awful Corbyn is. Labour has hobbled itself. It's lame duck new leader is an inexperienced appeaser who has allowed the bullies to dictate how things should be. 

So they have reinstated Corbyn. This was only ever going to go one of two ways: either you kick him out permanently despite that he said nothing false defamatory or hurtful (unless you're looking for hurt) or you let him back in which just makes you look weak. As a consequence, and as we are now seeing, all the usual suspects kick up a stink. The idea that, if Labour accepts Corbyn (elected by his constituency, the more important standard), it is now an unsafe place for Jews is hysterical nonsense. But suspending him was just a sop which is why I call Starmer and inexperienced appeaser. 

Remember he's only been an MP five minutes. The guy is useless; so far his 'opposition' the Tories is just to fown at the utter incompetence of the PM. That's not difficult; Johnson makes it easy. But that isn't a substitute for being a good leader and having good policies. He is and has neither.

Anyway what do I care. People are better off out of Labour. They have always been a party of capital; good cop to the Tories' bad cop. Each are two sides of British capital representing nothing truly revolutionary. to capitulate to them is to engage in pointless electoralism and to devalue grassroots work. I still maintain that voting Johnson out was the best strategy last year given how damaging he has proven to be. But that's not an endorsement of Corbyn. 

The only change can come from us and the only venue for that is our streets and communities, not the talking shops where the Labour leaders will ban people for disagreeing with them in their 'broad church'.

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