Monday 9 November 2020

Return to Lockdown 6: Online Discourse Is A Bloodbath

 If there's one thing I hate about political discourse online, it's the wait that's the movie The Lost Boys. Sorry I mean, it's the bad faith actors.

Vampires, in other words. No difference :D

It's intensely frustrating, I find, because conversation is a minefield and I'm shit at it. I speak very poorly and stumble over words. I am not a clear speaker. That makes activism difficult. This, here, is different for obvious reasons, though you'd be forgiven for thinking I'm any less incoherent! (Not by me though! Hah!)

Forums are just filled with puffed up players. Mainly young blokes with a bit of theory under their belt that think as a result they know it all. It's the vanity of youth as yet lacking the wisdom of experience. Just live a little, see what the working class puts up with and how it gets treated before quoting Milton Friedman at me, or pretending that what you read in fucking Breitbart is truth.

It's a bloodsport; a pit of fighting cocks who argue with ferocity matched only by the endless tedious need for sources and citations. I get it; evidence is absolutely important when making a point. But calm the fuck down about it. The call for proof isn't a mating cry, charged with testosterone like deer fighting in the rut! Horns up! \m/

Most of the time, in my experience, it becomes an exercise in trapping the opponent. This makes conversation an exhausting exercise of constantly having to guard your speech and hedge your beliefs. If you don't then you find what you said earlier is taken as an absolute statement which you will then be hung drawn and quartered on. "But you said x! I win!" - because winning is the most important thing. Ironically though these re people that I, at least, will never convert away from their capitalist beliefs. Views that are proving destructive to the world. It's just a horrible tiresome waste of time. Sadly in lockdown I though it might be productive. At best it would help sharpen my own arguments, but that's actually not the case, and I'm certainly not convinced of capitalism. Not when I can live see and smell it for real everyday, not just in some macho fantasyscape online. 

It's just a proving ground for young angry men. In the absence of social certainty, now that we're in late stage capitalism, these people are searching. Unfortunately theirs is a bloody quest.

Meanwhile there's talk a vaccine is looming. A corporate concoction (aren't they all?) has an apparent 90% success rate. That's great, we all want an end to this dreary nightmare. I certainly do, today I've been feeling quite negative. Only another three weeks of this shit (before a break and then lockdown number three). Of course this is only half the story: getting the vaccine from the lab to people's bloodstreams is the real task. I look forward to Brexit making that impossible. Nothing's ever simple.

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