Thursday 19 November 2020

Idiots On Parade 4: More Labour Stupidity

On one hand, I don't want to talk about Labour again. This is because they are irrelevant and redeemable. However even if they had all their ducks in a row and weren't hobbled by this antisemitism crisis (which is impossible, this was inevitable) I would still reject them. Labour's history is too closely aligned with capital. This isn't to say they have never done positive things (the NHS!), but those things are still dependent on capitalism and the continued support of the politicians. Whatever Westminster giveth, it can so easily taketh awayeth (the NHS!). This is because these things, under capitalism, aren't ours. The NHS doesn't belong to the community, certainly not the frontline workers that have been abused throughout this crisis. When conditions permit (when crises arise) the NHS and the like will face the chop. 

Furthermore, fighting for the Labour party, while sometimes necessary, as I believe it was last year, is a hiding to nowhere. This is the false dawn of electoralism. It's happening right now in the US. The trap is like this: vote for Biden knowing he sucks because you're really voting out a maniac. Then, when Biden wins, start wasting time planning for the next election. This detracts from valuable community and grassroots work. It's being put forward even now, plan for 2022 to get the Republicans out of the Senate, and so the cycle goes. The problem isn't wanting to get scumbags and dangerous narcissists out of power, it's that once you get into this trap it never ends. It should never have started. Anyway, here we are. What do we do?

Well we don't support Starmer. That is point the first. I read the article in the Guardian talking about Corbyn with a handful of his constituents (the Guardian really is shit and John Harris is a vicious turd), you can be sure the people they polled won't ever get to talk to Starmer. He won't represent, more likely these people will get booted out of the party for talking about the Forbidden Stuff! 

The bottom line is that Corbyn is obviously a popular constituency MP. He has a lot of respect. He's been there for decades. Starmer on the other hand was locking up kids for stealing some water and only became an MP in 2015. Suddenly he's the new hotness. That says it all really; Labour, in their rightward drift, are more interested in appeasing capital. Now they can't even get kicking Corbyn out of their party right. In so doing he may well have a case for being mistreated. He has the whip removed from him by the New Guy. They are provoking him, wanting him to seal his own fate. It's ugly stuff.

But like I said, it's their problem. I don't support them. Doesn't mean I don't have an opinion on how they're happy to smear a left winger.

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