Thursday 17 December 2020

Advent Calendar 14: Return of Just Feed Kids

Expecting a review of the tier system. Meaningless really, the things that can be opened currently closed are things that shouldn't be opened. Specifically the hospitality industry. I don't enjoy saying that, it has a human cost. One the government has spent the last nine months (at least).

(breaks to waste time doing something else)

And we're in Tier 2. I don't really feel good about that. To be honest part of that is a kind of Covid Stockholm Syndrome wherein one becomes dangerously acclimatised to the situation. But at the same time, while much of the situation is no different, I am greatly concerned about allowing pubs to open. The stupid Scotch Egg caveat applies of course and we can only hope landlords will be responsible. Nobody begrudges them their livelihood, of course, even though we Brits have a shocking relationship to alcohol. But this is the worst time to expect caution.

I should be pleased but I think that is the wrong approach. I will be pleased when the government finally gets on top of this, but it hasn't. This is short term reactive thinking: virus goes up, lockdown (OK, sensible enough), virus correspondingly goes down, unlock. Problem there is that the virus goes up again. Why, because we don't have a proper strategy overall. Why, because we've given the keys to the Covid cupboard to the capitalists.

I will now enjoy the Corona Gold Card lifestyle, well not quite. But the air in Tier 2 will be a lot more exclusive than that enjoyed by the majority remaining or moving into Tier 3. Breathed by a lucky few I guess, though to be honest I can't really understand it. The main difference appears to be that pubs can open, but serving only those who order 'substantial meals'. I don't really understand how the presence of food, consumed or not, prevents the virus. Do Nan breads absorb it? Patrons aren't meant to socialise outside of their established bubbles, which of course is meaningfulness in most pubs because of the size and of being indoors.

But what overshadows this today: Jacob Rees fucking Mogg opening his stupid mouth to blurt out some more Dickensian cruelty. This time at the expense of starving kids. Those his government have already fought tooth and nail to continue mistreating. These scum work so damn hard to maintain a pointless and curle position. I cannot for the life of me understand it. Now, with UNICEF stepping in, he has decided to wade in. This stick insect privileged piece of shit. 

In his view UNICEF are merely concerned with playing politics. No doubt just acting to rub the Tories' noses in it. Prick your conscience does it, Jacob? I certainly hope so. You could have avoided all this by simply feeding kids. Yet there is no political game being played. It's UNICEF. Do you think they give a shit about politics? Of course they don't, but this has to be filtered through Mogg's heavily indoctrinated class antagonisms. These people are scum; they are a cancer. Raised from birth into a hateful ideology of which this is a prime example. Eton breeds and reinforces this, puts them into prime spots for power and wealth. Gives them the contacts they will need (as well as those provided through birth). No wonder then he's able to set up a hegde fund and live high on the hog. No assembly required. 

The rest of us cannot ever hope to live like that. In fact it's because of that fact people like him can. It has to stop. He has to be stopped. In a year of misery and virus, to come to Christmas and speak out like that, shitting on attempts to feed kids. 


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