Friday 4 December 2020

Advent Calendar 3: Oh Dear

I seem to have completely forgotten to do an entry for Wednesday.

Even yesterday's is late.

I doubt anyone cares, but this bothers me. That's the consequence of having a neuro diverse cognitive makeup: order and routeine provides stability. I'm not even sure who I'm apologising to, myself probably. But then that was always the purpose of this blog.

So here, just so that I can have a number of entries equal to the number of days since lockdown, so that I can say I've done a blog a day, here is Wednesday's entry. On Friday. Problem is I've forgotten what happened on Wednesday.

I guess PMQ's went as it usually does: the Tories in disarray. Johnson performing about as well as his comb. Blustering his way through a thicket of deceit and bluster. Starmer acting like a wet lettuce supply teacher. I halef expect him to say: "it's your time you're wasting, not mine". THe sort of accurate if utterly ineffectual comment that only provokes more insubordination from the class. Meanwhile he's soliciting donations from a wealthy racist. Labour are well on their way to becoming...Labour.

Priti Patel probably deported some more English people under the assumption that, being black, they don't deserve to live here. Much to the distant cheers of the nasty little Englanders she seems constructed to appease. Simply the nastiest, stupidest, and cuellest MP I've seen in a long time. What part of her identity denies the experience of people of colour given she herself is one. But then as part of the rulign class she can distance herself especially and easily blame those she deports for failing to 'succeed' as she has. Succeed at what? Becoming a venal servant of capitalist-fuelled xenophobia?

Brexit is still happening. Or not. Depending on who you talk to. The EU sits and waits for us to stop shitting the bed and we cast them as bullies for doing so. Apparently it's Brexit that has facilitated the early release of the vaccine. This assumes the Tories don't fuck up handling and receiving it. THey'll probably give ownership to some dodgy company who store it in ovens. A mate of Matt Hancock's whom he played badminton with at the concierge. When we do finally leave the transition period, wither the vaccine? WIthout arrangements, what happens? No doubt it'll be the EU's fault for killing granny.

I have no doubt the first person or place to receive the vaccine will be Tory.

And that ends this brief time warp. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.

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