Sunday 13 December 2020

Brexit Second Advent Brexit Weekender Brexit

Have you heard the new dance craze all the kids down at the Hop are doing? Move over jive and jitterbug, it's the Brexit Dance. The one that never stops until you are a sweating nervous wreck. The one where the dinner never ends.

If I have to look at that dunce's clown-sans-makeup face once more I swear I will scream myself inside out. 

It's all a sick prank. Four years of this insanity. A nation divided and we are no closer. He's taken charge after four years of negotiations and achieved....? We are still, apparently, no closer to a deal that we already had because it was oven ready and he won an election to sign off on it. No closer to a deal he believes is unnecessary because the alternative, dressed up as an Australian style deal (they don't have an EU tade deal), is 'wonderful'. 

All this would be, and is, bad enough, but we're in the midst of a health crisis. The like of which we have never lived through. The EU even offered to extend the transition period accordingly. This was refused. Just let that sink in. That is not competence, and it certainly isn't humility. It's pig headed stubbornness from people incapable of delivering on their own promises.

They wouldn't even take a break to reorient themselves and focus on what it is is they want from this Brexit mirage. No one knows.

To be honest, this all makes me too angry for words. To call this game playing is an understatement. They have been exposed at every turn and now, when it comes to the crunch, have nothing. It is the most ludicrous attempt to poker I've ever seen. There is no brinkmanship, we are the weaker side, wholly dependent on the EU for trade. Whether you like it or not, and the EU is a capitalist institution (much like Parliament, the British chambers of commerce, and all the major political parties). But this crass act of national self harm just serves no one but the likes of Rees Mogg and his hedge fund gamblers. The only game in town is the game of betting on the collapses of sterling and the price of food. 

Remember food?

Oh, and some rich scumbag named a race horse "jungle bunny".

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