Friday 18 December 2020

Advent Calendar 15: Gone Fishing


That is the number that will see us crash out of the EU next month and next year. The value of fishing to our economy, when most of what we catch is sold to the EU with whom we will have no arrangement, at least as it stands. That number is Britain's economic epitaph. We are governed, quite simply, by morons.

Though make no mistake, this whole charade was engineered at the behest of disaster capitalists. Who else would push through with it during an even bigger disaster? It's like they don't want a deal at any cost. Either that or the few, wealthy, people that represent the fishing industry are themselves swivel eyed loons. Both may be possible. Arguing the toss over fishing rights seems to be counter productive.

Farage, of course, sat on the EU fisheries committee; when he could be arsed to arrive. Only then to claim his expenses and keep that account ticking over. He coudl have, I dunno, used his position a bit more effectively. Of course he will counter that by saying the EU is impossible to work with and he couldn't make a difference. Ok, if that's true why remain an MEP? Why sit on the gravy train? Well ask a stupid question.

If they can't get it together over some fucking cod, what chance do we have? We've all haddock!

Moving on.

And with a crunching gear change, the Covid situation looks desperate. A week away from Christmas and we are now just shy of thirty thousand new infections. The R Rate appears to be in the red all over. It's too late now, lockdown three is inevitable. What choice will they have, after leaving everything open for Christmas while we also distribute the vaccine. How is that not being jeopardised, hospitals are nearing capacity. It's also winter! Say what you ike about the Tories but they are peerless when it comes to fucking up pandemics. They knew where we were headed, and did nothing. They were warned. The scientists are beginning to appear like the Ghost of Christmas Last. The very last one gran will ever see, for the want of a vaccine that was days away. This is terrible and I fear the conditions for this lockdown because they may have to be harsh. But the Tories treat all this as a game; a charade. Let's all have a merry Christmas, wiff waff, and then pay the price in January, as we traditionally do. Only this time it won't be the credit card that gets paid off, it'll be your life's blood and your kid's education.

As I'm writing this, I am conscious that this is all I've been saying all week. It's the week before Christmas and this is what it comes down to. However I have been busy trying to be creative. I have used some of my savings, over this period, in a way I probably wouldn't have done at this time last year. Much of the money I've received in ESA I have not spent. At least not as much as I could have, and not as much - I daresay - as many others. People who probably are less fraught about money than I. It is a curse really; I have long been raised to believe money should ne'er be wasted. This has led to me not investing in things that, at the very least, would have enabled me to try and move forward in the things I'd like to do. Whether they'd be successful...well you won't know if you don't try.

However I have spent money recently. I bought some music gear and discovered just how eye wateringly expensive music software is. This is frustrating, obviously, because £300 for a piece of software is a price I cannot reconcile, however there are cheaper alternatives. But even then it's difficult This is an old machine and it can huff and puff a bit too much under load! That's the kind of expensive I've been saving for, just in case.

It's difficult; these are privileges society doesn't generally like to affrd the unemployed. Quite why that is doesn't make sense. Surely anything that can help people is all to the good, no? But apparently not; instead one is meant to have just enough to buy gruel and the cost of the window you're allowed to stare out of. Not the computer you'd also need to actually find work (by way of your Universal Credit journal and JC communications). These are the sort of contradictions the systme hands out regularly but can never reconcile, at your expense.

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