Wednesday 9 December 2020

Advent Calendar 8: Why Can't Trump Just Fuck Off

He's like the biblical plague. Creeping death, sent by God to fuck with Pharaoh. Problem is there isn't enough lamb's blood to protect at the thresholds of Americans, no matter how fervently they believe he can save them. He won't. He's spent the entire year playing the opposite of dodge-ball with the virus, only surviving through treatments who's ingredients the Republicans would vomit at and whose cost makes them utterly useless to treating society.

He sits at his tiny desk, visibly downgrading himself from (so called) Commander in Chief (Commander in Chaos) to yesterday's news. Newspaper for the fish supper of civilisation, ready to be discarded and blown down the street by society's exhaust fumes. Currently he seems minded to save himself from oblivious before inevitably being evicted, while his government evicts everyone else because they can't pay their rent during a pandemic. He has pac's and schemes ready to fund his next career move, presumably a return to Trump triumph in 2024, when an octogenarian while face off against a mentally incontinent spoilt brat septuagenarian. No one wins. First he needs to find a way to pardon himself because, presumably (though not certainly), the American Dream doesn't extend to criminals. He'd rather not stop and go straight to jail. 

His response to a polite, though I'm sure deliberate, question about whether the laughably named 'Operation Warp Speed' (as in "Mr Scott, can you make this ship go any slower than Warp point zero?"), was to waffle on - again - about how the election was rigged/stolen/unfair. How could he lose; he got more votes than Obama (his sworn enemy). Problem is, so did Biden, who also got more votes than you. I suspect behind the mask that reporter was grinning when he asked. A question deliberately intended to rankle the wrinkle answering. Of course the response was inevitable; spewed out like therapy.

Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead. Well done, you massive orange twat.

Let's now take our daily check on those sunlit uplands, with a look at Brexit.

Still shit.

Dinner time is apparently 7pm. The PM, in a heroic act of self isolation, is flying to Europe to continue being a massive intractable jackass. Johnson says no PM could accept the EU's terms. So why are we leaving then? What is the point of putting ourselves out like this? It's like saying "I'm off now" but the weather outside is shit. You could wait or just stay in, even. But no, despite eschewing the use of a coat, you decide to throw your clothes in a fire and walk out buck bollock naked.

Again, well done. The paucity of intellect and sense from our leaders is terrifying. We are not governed we are led by ideology, trumpeted out with strength enough to fell Jericho, never mind the sanity of the working class. No wonder so many fall for the lies when they are repeated throughout the media endlessly. Humans weren't built to live like this.

Is it any surprise we are where we are: staring off a cliff edge while we sit on our deathbeds. Brexit serves the interests of the most powerful, capitalist, people in society. All of whom cheated to engineer their desired result and convince people it was a decision they arrived at independently, indeed believing they were sticking it to the same elites. The most dismal disgusting con job in history. None of which speaks to the nature of the EU; it is a capitalist institution. But, with the choice forced upon us by those elites, it is preferrable to remain. The working class, I believe, are stronger that way. We are then not at the mercy of so dishonest and stupid a group.

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