Wednesday 30 December 2020

Thinking About Creativity While Escaping Tier 4 (+55 seconds)

Continuing the theme of not talking about Covid, but then talking about it later because it's such a disaster, I will continue from yesterday. SO GO READ THAT! 


It's a shame that the creative arts are not supported as career choices in our society. At least that hasn't been my experience. There may well have been schemes, but most are - or were (Brexit will put paid to funding) - aimed at young people. While of course I do not object to that, it's rather depressing to consider that older people are dismissed. That's always the implication. It's not just this subject either; most schemes seem to be aimed at younger people. If you're going to dismiss the rest of us, then why not just support us financially, shut up, and let us get on with our lives? You obviously don't consider them of any importance. 

What is so depressing is that all these schemes, in my humble experience, have been so dull. I didn't leave yesterday's call feeling the least bit inspired. A 45 minute appointment, over in a third of that time. It just becomes a tick box exercise for these people/ I'm sure the adviser is competent and professional. I have no personal axe to grind (yet), but what's the point? Is this really the best we can do? It's just a job and one where public money is on the line. My point all along has been that I could do better with the money her company, and so, by extension, and her receive. I don't begrudge her the job, obviously, it's the system that necessitates this nonsense. Creating it by virtue of the profit incentive, conditions that arise ony in our society: the desire to make a successful business and the recognition of inequality, lack of inopportunity, and, ultimately, poverty. It's a system that is feeding upon itself. 

Winter is a contradictory time for creativity. You'd be forgiven for thinking that, with a more introspective period (i.e. stuck indoors) especially now, one could devote much time and effort to being creative. But the limits on behaviour, even without covid, mean that one cannot properly expand oneself, so to speak. Stepping outside is an effort when the weather is oppressive, such as now. One cannot just jump into the fields and wander the land drawing inspiration as drawing breath from the air. Winter is the time of withdrawal, of rest and, hopefully, healing. Certainly an avenue for creativity, but not an expansive one.

Anyway, just thought I'd say that.

One final note, as I'm somewhat elated at still being in Tier 3 (small victories), there are no original ideas. People don't think of things without a reference point: an earlier idea. Creativity isn't about being original it's about freely expressing your voice, which is what's unique. We aren't clones and neither are our experiences. Those are what shape your ideas, even if they aren't your ideas.

That's enough, slowly creeps the scourge. Tomorrow the year ends. I really hope the next few weeks, the start of 2021, can see the virus receding. But that really depends on everyone because we won't get any help from the government.

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